Friday, June 5, 2015

Best Laid Plans

Plans often fall apart at the last minute.  In fact, most of my life has consisted of well laid strategies that survive only until the first hurdle, where they all go to pieces.  Working with high school students is a similar process of continuous ideas turned into programs which have to be adjusted constantly for the simple reality that teenagers are never consistent.  Small games get thrown out when twenty extra kids show up.  Large games are downsized when a single dramatic event at school causes everyone to stay home ‘sick’.  

On club night, we had well planned games, a meticulous order of events, and a prepared 10 minute talk on Jesus.  And yet, when the start time came and went, we had only a handful of students to show for it.  We tried to come up with an eleventh hour plan and came away with only one thought...we were all truly craving some slurpees.  So, without much thought, we announced that we would be going to get some delicious icy treats.  Almost on queue, car after car of students arrived  - twenty minutes late, of course.  Yet, everyone was so excited about slurpees that we had no choice but to push forward with our new adventure.  

Unfortunately, our first gas station choice had a machine that was out of commission, so it was with mere minutes left of club that we swung by 7-11, grabbed our delicious reward, and snapped a picture.  After that, it was over.  All of our planning had turned into a hide-and-seek game for a simple cup of flavoured ice.  And yet, the students had fun, we got to still talk about life in our car rides, and everyone had a great time.  After all, isn’t this what friends are for?  Spending time together and letting them know that we don’t just like them, but we love them.  

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