Saturday, July 21, 2012

Assignment at Lost Canyon

This summer I had the privilege of serving on my first assignment.  For three weeks my roll at camp was to be the tawashie work crew boss.  I had nine high school girls who came from all over the Country to serve along side me.  Although our duties in housekeeping may not have been the most glamorous, by the end we all agreed we wouldn’t have traded it for any other job .   A typical day for a tawashie consisted of cleaning the dining hall, clubroom, game room, infirmary, leader lounge, and camper’s dorms.  With that came lots of toilet scrubbing, vacuuming, mopping, taking out trash and ending our day in Clarabelle’s with about two hours worth of laundry.  Needless to say our job was challenging.  Reflecting on my time at Lost Canyon, I decided that my favorite part was being able to witness my tawashie girls humbly serve and grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.  They never ceased to impress me; serving with excellence, always willing to take the hardest (or in our case grossest) job, never taking short cuts, and all the while managing to have a positive and joyful spirit.  Our devotional time turned out to be everyone’s favorite part of the day.  It was a time for us to go deeper, be honest with each other, ask tough questions, and challenge ourselves.  I was so proud to see the progress and steps of faith that were being taken.  I am certain that God will continue to use the gifts and talents of each girl to shine His light in there communities back home.   I’m hopeful that they will have the opportunity to bless those around them in the same way that they have blessed me! 

                        -Tayren Burns 

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