Friday, July 11, 2014

The Long Slow Road

What we do in Young Life is often something that requires a great deal of patience. We don't set out to invade kids' lives and change their minds about Jesus and/or make them more obedient or better behaved. We go where they are, ask to be invited into their lives, and then love them in the Name of Jesus.

This is no quick job.

Sometimes I ask myself if what I am doing is making a difference, or if I am doing anything worth doing. I wonder if all I am doing is providing kids with "fun" experiences and nothing more. I am tempted to think that I must create something with dramatic and fast results. Something that shows that kids are meeting Jesus and that their lives are being changed.

Sometimes this does happen fast in Young Life, but, more often than not, it takes a LONG time, and us leaders may not ever get to see it happen. We might just be the ones planting seeds for someone else to harvest... but we stay in there. We love kids, and we do our best to walk with them, showing them the love of Jesus. It's a long and often trying journey. Fast results are intoxicating. Watching Jesus grab a kid's life and turn it around is one of the greatest things ever... but it's not my job, it's Jesus'. 

So please continue to pray for us over in Ladera Ranch. Pray that God would gift us with patience, desire, and discernment. Pray that we would find fulfillment in simply loving kids, and trust that he will do the rest. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Marco club at Oakbridge Younglife camp!

What an amazing week!!! Our Wyldlife crew just got back from 6 amazing days at Younglife's Oakbridge camp tucked away in the hills of Ramona California. This camp is such an amazing place! There are tons of activities to do every day and Games and skits through out the day. Most importantly every night at Club we here from one of our Younglife speakers about who Jesus is and what he did for us while he was on this earth and what he did for us on the cross. Amidst all the craziness and games and fun Jesus is what's at the core of Younglife camp. Our crew had some super fun times and created great memories but we all learned more and grew closer to God at this camp and it was such a joy to be a part of. Attached are just a few pictures. hope you enjoy!

Dustin Martnick
Wyldlife south county 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Last week we took 15 kids from Ladera Ranch to Oakbridge, a Young Life camp outside of Ramona CA.

It was amazing!

For most of these kids this was their first camp experience, and for all of them it was one of the best weeks of their lives. From the food, to the rides, to the funny skits and games, the kids were totally overwhelmed in the best ways.

This was also a chance for these kids to connect with us leaders, and more important, Jesus. The speaker did such an amazing job making the Gospel accessible to middle schoolers, and had illustrations that really let them see how much the Creator of the universe loves them. 

Welcoming Summer

Welcoming Summer  

      The last few weeks of the school year are filled with anxiousness, excitement, and endless waiting. Walk into any San Juan Hills classroom in June and you will find plenty of kids stealing glances at the clock, the smell of sunscreen filling the room. With finals approaching and freedom close at hand, plans are made for camping, surfing, traveling, and even for sleeping.

       When we considered how to finish off our year of club, the Dana Hills and San Juan Hills leaders decided to do the ultimate Summer Welcome Party - the beach barbeque night. It was a great way to have kids show up and enjoy the first fruits of the season; hot dogs, watermelon, and ice cold sodas. We had over 35 kids come and enjoy games, food, and the sunset over Salt Creek Beach for our celebration of the end of school and the beginning of summer.

       It was a great time to congratulate these kids. They had made it through another year, and there was a sense of victory for all of us. Several of the students thanked their leaders for the encouragement and the investment that we made in their lives this school year. I was amazed at just how much my own life has been impacted by sharing time with these kids. Their struggles, successes and their questions of faith have enabled me to see how God is working in their lives and my own. As the sun went down on our beach barbeque, and I realized that this summer was going to be where I would be continuing to share my life with these kids. I have never been more excited to work over the summer months.