Thursday, May 15, 2014

Little League and Contact Work

For the kids and families involved in the WyldLife club in Ladera Ranch, baseball is a big deal. Its not just something most of the kids play, its a way of life, and life seems to be scheduled around it. So this last week I started going to little league games.

Let me be clear, I do not know anything about baseball. A kid will get a hit and a runner score and a parent will look at me with an excited look and say, "Yes! That's the 'go-ahead' run! Isn't that awesome?!?" and I'll say "Yeah!" but really I have no clue what they just meant.

I say this because, for me, showing up to these games is uncomfortable, but it shows kids that I am for them, that I care about what they care about, that I care about them. That is what "contact work" is about. Its about showing kids that we care enough about them that we are willing to go where they are, even if they know we don't really fit in there... especially when they know we don't.

Also, these games have provided the opportunity to talk to parents. Every game I have gone to I have been the new guy in the stands, the guy none of the parents know, and it leads to great conversations. I get to know things about the families that we are going after, and it shows the parents that their kid's WyldLife leaders care enough about them to come and sit for a few hours, in the heat, and cheer for their kid.

This week I have started asking myself some questions as to why we do what we do. Why do we do this? Why do we love kids where they are? Why do we go into their world? Why do we let them be messy? Why do we show up at games and cheer? Why do we make fools of ourselves? 

Because Jesus did it for us! 

Because when we show kids we are for them, when we show them we love them in their best and worst, when we show up, we are showing them what Jesus is like. 

We wait for the opportunity to use words while we strive to show them how much Jesus loves them by being for them, without any strings attached. 

This is the essence of Young Life. Loving kids where they are no matter what.

So, for me, it means going to baseball games. It means texting kids later that day or the next and letting them know how much fun I had watching them, even if they played poorly, ESPECIALLY if they played poorly. It means walking up to parents that are looking at me with that, "Who is that and what are they doing here?" look on their face and introducing myself.

What does it mean for you?

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