This summer's Oakbridge trip was easily one of the best camp trips I have ever been a part of. From the kids all getting along, to the leaders doing an absolutely amazing job, to the camp staff… it was incredible.
We took 19 kids this year, and of those 19, 6 kids said "yes" to Jesus for the first time ever, and 10 kids rededicated their lives to Jesus that week.
Please watch the following video and take a look at the pics to get a glimpse at what a week at WyldLife camp looks like! We will be going to winter camp this November 20-22, and then back again next summer (we will let you know the dates ASAP)!
About to have one of the best weeks of our lives!
Matthew meeting one of the WIlderness Explorers!
Mixers the first night.
The boys slept out under the starts the first night… it was awesome!
The food at Oakbridge is sooo good!
Unity game uniforms!
Again, that camp food is so good, Jack agrees!
Protect your leader… Matt was pretty dry compared to the other guy!
All camp pic! I see a lot of yellow!
The leap of faith.
Leaders got ruined at the carnival… so fun!
Grant, Matthew, and some pantyhose!
Max, having a blast at the messy games!
Spencer, about to do damage ith some shaving creme!
Best messy games ever!
Everyone had a blast!
Don't mess with Michele when it comes to card games!
Midnight dance party!
Water games!
Failed attempt at a human pyramid.
The high dive was a highlight! Natalie getting wild!
Archery! Kieron's got some great form!
Tyler G with the bull's eye!
The game room!
The ropes course was rad.
Spencer soaring down the zip-line.
The girls doing some awesome freestyle walking at the skatepark.