Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blu Gnu 2012

We have another club that is quickly becoming a hit. It's called Blu Gnu! What is Blu Gnu you ask....well let me tell ya. We have friends of Young Life dress up in random costumes around the mall. Then we send the students out with a list of what they are looking for. Once found they get their signature and move on to the next person. The Blu Gnu is someone who is wearing a special blue Young Life t-shirt. Once again we had a huge turn out. I lost count after about 70 people. We were also lucky to have a small group of friends from Huntington Beach YL & South Central YL come and play also. Check out the pictures below


Wyldlife Club

We had an amazing club this last week! We had over 20 kids attend and to say the least it got wild! 

We started with a great classic game called the balloon stomp! Basically everyone has a balloon tied to their leg and you have to keep your balloon full of air and "stomp" everyone else's! It was quite the site! Everyone hopping around and screaming and going crazy it was hilarious! 

Then we brought it inside and played the old spit popcorn onto your leaders face that is caked with shaving cream, haha it was awesome. Then of course i gave a little talk on the gospels and the good news of Jesus! 

Attached are a photo of the game this week! 

Thank you for your prayer and support! Have a blessed week!


Wyldlife Winter Camp- 2012

Hello all i hope everyone is enjoying the winter weather! 

I'm sending out a little update about our Wyldlife camp we just attended last weekend. Myself and one other leader from our club took 3 boys down for an amazing weekend camp at Oakbridge in Ramona, California. 

The camp was full of fun games and awesome time hanging out together and building awesome relationships with these 3 awesome guys! Noah, Andrew, and Jack. To say the least we had an amazing weekend and are all super excited about summer camp which is 5 days long! But most importantly they got to hear the good news about Jesus and we had some awesome talks processing who Jesus is and what he is in our lives! 

Its such a joy to get to be apart of these kids lives and walk through these steps of belief and understanding about not only Jesus but who they are and who they want to be and everything in-between. 

Attached are a few pictures from the weekend i hope you enjoy! And thanks for all your prayers and support.
